一、InnoDB Cluster简介
前几天 Mysql 团队愉快的发布了 InnoDB Cluster 的 GA(General Availability 正式发布) 版本
InnoDB Cluster 是 Mysql 的一套完整的高可用解决方案
MySQL InnoDB cluster is a collection of products that work together to provide a complete High Availability solution for MySQL.
InnoDB Cluster 由下面3个核心组件构成:
MySQL Shell 通过内置的 AdminAPI 来创建和管理整个 InnoDB Clusters
Includes the AdminAPI, which enables you to script the creation and administration of an InnoDB cluster, using either JavaScript or Python.
MySQL Router 缓存 InnoDB cluster 的元数据,负责把 client 的 read/write 请求路由到当前的主数据库节点,还可以对 client 的请求进行负载均衡,并且在主数据库节点出现故障时,保证 client 的请求被路由到新的主服务器节点
Caches the metadata of the InnoDB cluster and routes read/write client requests to the current primary. If the primary instance becomes unavailable, MySQL Router automatically routes client requests to a promoted secondary (the new primary).
Group Replication MySQL Server 5.7.17 or higher. 可以把数据同步到集群内的所有成员中,并支持 容错 、 自动故障转移 、 灵活扩展 等重要特性
This provides the MySQL Group Replication mechanism to allow data to be replicated within the cluster, with built-in failover. Group Replication